Today i did work

Today i started doing my part of the project, i suspect Martin started yesterday so i can’t say “we started”.

We both worked for most of the afternoon, him working on game states and i adding gameobjects and some managers. There seems to be some issues with my version of visual studio not loading the files sent from Martin but he is able to load mine by taking the .h and .cpp files and adding them to the project on his end. Martin was mostly in charge of organizing the dropbox and keeping the project on track. Most of the things i did was recycled from the plattformer project and while i did technically “write” tat myself it still feels weird to re-use that much code although i did modify it to fit our needs. 

In any case i feel like we got a lot of work done today and if we can be this productive other days too we’ll have the project done in no-time.

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