Not as effective work.

Today we worked separately, Martin added a way to increase the object speeds when completing levels and started work on a soundmanager(which is now put on ice since we decided that the HUD is more important). I worked on getting text into the game and looked up tutorials online to see how that worked, i found two that really helped me understand how to do it, however i failed to adjust the code from that into our code. I put the text on ice as i realized i still had no method to handle score. So i went on to add a score variable to the gamestate class and got sidetracked by drawing out the smaller frogs on the HUD to display the amount of lives, this led me to begin to add another gameobject to the game and in the end i felt so off track that i gave it all up and went out for a walk. 

Once i came back Me and Martin talked and we decided to help each other out with the HUD tomorrow and after that i would work on animations while he worked on a pause screen and a end state so that the program doesn’t shut down when the player runs out of lives. 

We both started pretty late today due to staying up late last night because of the new years eve celebrations and tonight i will go to bed earlier to be able to start at a more proper time tomorrow.

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