Late report

Oh crud, i almost forgot to make a report of last week’s efforts.

I say almost but considering its Tuesday already i guess i completely forgot. Anyways.

Last Tuesday i got some good work done in the game-room and managed to finish my communications essay and even had the time to get started with Bioshock Infinite. 

Wednesday i was supposed to work together with Leonard to make a prototype for our game to make sure it was a working concept but i ended up making it by myself. It took way too long since i put the spawning function in an object of which there was several on the screen at once and ended up spawning several projectiles in the same space which meant i had huge issues figuring out why the enemies wouldn’t disappear when shot. I also got a bit further in Infinite that night too.

Tuesday i went home and played Infinite since the weather was bad and i figured i was just going to be playing anyways. I finished the game and started on the written report.

Friday i wrote non-stop for over an hour on the buss home, big kudos for my old laptop for keeping up for so long with it’s battery not fully loaded.

During the weekend i finished the Bioshock document and played an obscene amount of X-com. 

On the following Monday i managed to rebuild and finish the game prototype during the online lecture.(I had the original version still on the alienware laptop left in Visby, Do’h!) I also put the finishing touches on the Infinite assignment.

And finally today i will try to write up a start for the second version of the communications document since it turned out there was another instruction document i hadn’t seen. 

That and getting my part of the pitch document done for the group game done is the projects of this week. I’ll be making the pitch together with Leonard tomorrow but i don’t think it’ll take the whole day so i’ll have the other half of Wednesday and Thursday afternoon to finish the document.

On a semi-related note i was hoping to have the time to buy a mouse this week but i don’t know if i’ll have any time that fits. 

But enough procrastination, i should get back to work.

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